Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint – Reviews & Buying Guide 2023 - Plantar Fasciitis Runner (2024)

Buyer’s Guide

It is not an exaggeration to say that the market is flooded with all kinds of manufacturers. As such, there is a very high chance that you are likely going to come across sub-standard or counterfeit products at one point. Despite the fact that this review highlights some of the top quality market options. It’s also important that you equip yourself with the knowledge on how to further narrow down your selections. That is the only way that you are going to find the ideal plantar fasciitis night brace.

It is vital that you consider the following factors in your decision-making process.

1. The shell of the night splint

Plantar fasciitis night splint shells are often made out of plastic. Some of them are adjustable while others are fixed. Most fixed shells provide a 5-degree or neutral dorsiflexion. Such shells help maintain user’s feet in a particular position. If you are looking for a gradual dorsiflexion increase, you are better suited for night splints with adjustable shells.

2. Comfort

You should get night splints that have sufficient padding. Padding is important because it also helps protect your skin and heel. The splint material also matters when it comes to comfort. Some of them have moisture wicking capabilities and will ensure that your foot is always dry. You are more likely to stick to your night splint routine if you find them comfortable to wear.

3. Breathability

Make sure you choose night splints that are well ventilated. The material used should be breathable to ensure that your foot always gets the right amount of airflow. There can be a lot of heat buildup in night splints, which can leave you with a lot of discomfort. The chances are that you’ll also find it difficult to sleep in such a scenario. Breathable night splints are also some of the most comfortable models in the market.

4. Fit

Like with other plantar fasciitis footwear, getting a well fitting pair is key to your recovery. Some brands offer multiple splint sizes, while others have one size fits all designs. Choosing a pair based on your specific shoe size guarantees you a more personalized fit.

One size fits all designs need to have exceptional adjustability for them to offer a proper fit. Reason being, the splints are meant for different foot types and sizes. To be on the safe side, make sure that it comes with dependable straps. The placement of the straps also matters. Otherwise, you won’t be able to utilize them fully.

If you choose a larger splint size, it might fail to give your foot the level of support that it needs. You also won’t be able to get the intended results because your foot will not have the correct positioning. If your foot does not get tension in the right places, then there’s little or no benefit in wearing the splint. On the other hand, smaller sized splints may end up doing more harm than good.

5. The weight of the splint

Some splints are heavier than others. Lightweight splints are easy to move in, and they also tend to be more comfortable.


1. What are the main types of night splints?

Most plantar fasciitis night splint reviews will mention two types of night splints: the dorsal and the boot night splints.

Dorsal night splints are ideal for less severe injuries. They have a design which some people claim is prone to slippage. These type of splints are recognizable by their hard plastic support along the top of the foot and the shin area. They can provide dorsiflexion since the straps stretch the user’s toes upwards.

One of the reasons why they are popular is because they are easy to maneuver at night. You will significantly benefit from such splints if you like to sleep on your side or stomach. Users also find them comfortable to sleep in because of their soft material. These splints are also lightweight and breathable. They have both a front and back opening that helps promote airflow and prevent your feet from sweating.

Boot night splints are the traditional alternative for plantar fasciitis. They are best suited for severe injuries and more effective for people who suffer from serious pain. One of their main features is their rigid construction. They have a back brace in which your leg, calf, and foot rest. Even though they have a plastic outer layer, they are very soft on the inside.

Some people find them difficult to walk with at night, especially since they are also larger. However, they are highly effective when it comes to pain relief. The splints have straps, for ensuring that they cling to the foot even while you sleep. You can also adjust them to ensure that you get a comfortable fit. Nevertheless, buyers are advised to carefully pick out the right size to avoid discomfort.

2. Are there any tips on how I can make the most out my night splint?

There are several tips on how you can do so.

1. Get the correct size:

We can’t emphasize enough on how important it is to get an appropriately sized night splint. You need enough room for quick recovery and to ensure that the splint doesn’t rub your foot unnecessarily.

2. Consistently wear your splints:

The fastest way to heal your foot is by regularly wearing your night splints and other plantar fasciitis footwear. You have to endure wearing them even if you find them uncomfortable at times.

3. Learn to use your splint:

Since there are different types of splints, you have to be conversant with the instructions that come along with your purchase. Learn how to adjust it properly, and familiarize yourself with its features as well.

4. If you are trying them out for the first time, wear them before you go to bed:

People new to splints will need time to adapt to them. Wearing them beforehand helps one get used to them over time.

5. Be patient:

Splints do not produce immediate results. Your condition will not go away instantaneously. It will take some time before you are fully healed. However, the pain relief they provide will be noticeable after a few nights. It all depends on how severe your case is.

3. What else can I do to help speed up my recovery time?

There are several things you can do alongside wearing your splints.

  • You can make it a habit of stretching from time to time. Doing so helps strengthen your plantar fascia and Achilles tendon. You will also increase their level of flexibility.
  • It’s highly recommended that people with plantar fasciitis use ice for at least twenty minutes a day to reduce the level of inflammation.
  • Reduce physical activities that can add to your pain. It’s important that you take time to rest your feet.
  • You can pair your supportive shoes with compression socks for added pain relief.

4. How long should I wear my night splints?

The length in which you should continue to wear your splints depends on the severity of your condition. People with acute plantar fasciitis will most likely use them for a shorter time. The opposite is true for people with chronic conditions.

5. Which exercises can I do at home to stretch my plantar fascia?

There are numerous stretches you can do at home. However, it’s also important that you learn how to do them correctly.

Exercise 1

  1. Take a seat and sit while you cross over the injured heel to the other leg.
  2. Using your opposite hand, hold the foot.
  3. Create tension in the foot arch by pulling your toes towards the shin.
  4. Take your other hand and place it on the bottom of the foot. Use it to identify tension in the plantar fascia.
  5. If you’re having difficulty holding your foot, you can use a towel to grab and stretch it.
  6. Hold it for about 10 seconds.
  7. Repeat the process at least two or three times.

Exercise 2

The second exercise requires the use of a foam roller or a frozen water bottle. All you will need to do is;

  1. Take one of the mentioned items.
  2. Place it under your foot.
  3. Roll it back and forth.
  4. Continue for about one minute.
  5. Once you are done, repeat the exercise with the other foot.

Exercise 3

This exercise is mostly based on stretching your big toe.

  1. While seated, cross your leg over the other.
  2. Hold your big toe and gently pull it inwards toward yourself.
  3. You should hold your toe for about 15 to 30 seconds while you do so.
  4. Repeat the action three times.
  5. Start again with your other foot.


We recommend the Procare ProWedge as the best plantar fasciitis night splint. The splint comes in several size options and is contoured for ergonomics. One of the best things about it is the fact that it has a full-length toe wedge. Users get to benefit from the additional stretch it provides. You can rest assured that the splint will easily sustain all your stretch needs.

People seeking an affordable alternative should opt for the AZMED Night Splint. The splint consists of a highly breathable blend of materials. They are ideal for people who don’t like boot braces. The splints are also lightweight and easy to sleep in.

Best Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint – Reviews & Buying Guide 2023 - Plantar Fasciitis Runner (2024)
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